Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hanging up my fountain pen

 I feel the time has come. My next book, a collection of 3 novellas, will be out next year, 2025, in print. Those three novellas are already published individually by Unsolicited Press as e-books.

I feel the time has come. Time to let go of the pressures of deadlines and publishing schedules. Of lovely alpha and beta readers. Of disputing an hotel over a hotel! Of spending time away from the people I love, family, and friends who are family.

I feel the time has come. To stop wondering. Wondering if the remaining mountain of manuscripts could ever see the light of day, or if a bonfire of the vanities would be a better demise for them. Because, as a publisher once said at a forum called 'pitch the publisher', 'Who cares?'

Some of the titles, many written during 17 years of Nano, include, Hens' Teeth, Gececondu, Stones, The Carpet, The Button Tin, a couple of memoirs (in flash), the list goes on. Some made it to publication: Fishermen's Fingers, Passport to Perdita, and Eva Matson. These are the three that will be in the novella collection 2025.

I feel the time has come to leave it all there. To hang up my fountain pen, so to speak. And be content with these achievements. 

I thank you, all my readers, all those who have cheered me on. All those who have understood that the commitments often kept me away. My love for you all never wavers. Thank you.

I feel the time has come. Sue.

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