Saturday, August 6, 2016

Bowing to the Acknowledgement

There is something thrilling about seeing your work in print. I think so anyway, and for me it doesn't take much.  But when an international arts and literary mag like ArtAscent accepts images of your work for publication, that, to me, is acknowledgement.

The strangest thing for me though, is to see these loonie sized pieces blown up to fill the pages of an 8" x 11" mag.  It was a bit of a wow when I opened my copy yesterday - and there they were. Warts and all. Fingerprints and all.  Because they are totally hand made, impressions of my fingers are all over the pieces.

pages 72 and 73 of the current issue 

The collection is by no means complete - probably a little over one third - the plan is to have all the pieces ready for the autumn,

 Garden #1. Wearable art in fine (.999) silver from the collection Garden of Eden

I've been 'test driving' the pieces around town to make sure all is well, a kind of quality control so to speak, and of course people have commented. A jeweller has described them as organic. And for me that is a real boost. I never refer to them as jewellery, but wearable art. But organic too I will take.

Temptation. Wearable art in fine (.999) silver from the collection Garden of Eden

And so it is back to the sketch book to bring together all the ideas that are bumbling around and then on to to the workbench. Watch this space.

This issue of ArtAscent is available to order here. ArtAscent V20

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